Solar Storm Risk to the North Am. Electric Grid

Solar Storm Risk to the North Am. Electric Grid

Lloyds and AER published a ground-breaking study of solar storm risk to the electric grid in North America.

The Space Weather Study by Lloyds and AER analyzes the likelihood of extreme geomagnetic storms, the specific vulnerabilities of the North American power grid, the regions at highest risk and the implications for the insurance industry and society generally.

“These innovations to address the risk posed by geomagnetic disturbances comprise an interdisciplinary study tying together historical records, space physics, geophysics, engineering, and economics.” – Lisa Wei, PhD, AER

AER scientists who co-authored the report and provided research and analysis:

  • Nicole Homeier, PhD, Director of Product Innovation and Senior Staff Scientist at AER
  • Lisa Wei, PhD, Staff Scientist at AER