Hartford Steam Boiler partners for blackout risk service

Publish Date: July 30, 2013
Article Source: Insurance & Financial Advisor
Article Link: www.aer.com/news-events/in-the-news/2013/hartford-steam-boiler-partners-blackout-risk-service

Highlighted in Insurance & Financial Advisor article "Hartford Steam Boiler partners for blackout risk service".

"Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) and The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. have allied with one another to create a service that helps risk managers prepare for blackouts. Among its intended users are insurers, reinsurers and commercial and industrial firms.

"The president and CEO of AER, Ron Isaacs, says the alliance gives users a better sense of how the intersection of weather events and an aging power grid threaten the power infrastructure on which businesses depend."