Putting a Siberian Snow Connection to the Test

Publish Date: December 28, 2010
Article Source: New York Times Dot Earth blog
Article Link: http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/28/putting-a-siberian-snow-connection-to-the-test/

By Andrew C. Revkin in DotEarth blog. Revkin dives into AER's scientific model and approach to improve predictions of winter temperatures. Showing maps and images explaining the science, he highlights the primary precursor, Siberian snow cover, that helps predict whether we'll have a colder (or warmer) winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Revkin sets a challenge and promises to return in March, 2011, to review the accuracy of the AER forecast.

AER update on April 8, 2011: Andy Revkin revisted this topic in early April, 2011, observing the skill and accuracy of our forecast. It's no surprise to AER that we passed the challenge with flying colors!