Tool Will Help Facility Managers Assess Blackout Risks

Publish Date: May 30, 2013
Article Source: Energy Manager Today
Article Link: Tool Will Help Facility Managers Assess Blackout Risks

Blackouts can cost businesses and consumers billions of dollars annually. AER and Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) are creating a service that will help facilities assess and manage the risk of energy blackouts.

“The intent of our work is to be able to state for the first time what the chance is of a significant interruption of service from a natural event or from the aging of the grid itself,” said Kyle Beatty, senior vice president with AER told Energy Manager Today in the article Tool Will Help Facility Managers Assess Blackout Risks.

“From the energy manager’s point of view, Beatty said the service would be relevant to understand the likelihood of a power outage and how best to ensure backup power resources to sustain continuity. Also, energy and risk managers should consider where to locate backup facilities so they are not susceptible to the same blackouts.”

“Another possible use of AER’s and HSB’s blackout assessment services might be to evaluate the role of diversification of energy sources at a location, for example, whether it’s a good investment to deploy a backup generator or rooftop solar.”

Read the full press release.

Read more about Blackout Risk.