Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid

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The report "Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid: A Lloyds Space Weather Study" examines space weather risk to the electric grid and why this has important implications for the insurance industry.

After a brief explanation of the characteristics of geomagnetic storms, the report analyzes the likelihood of extreme geomagnetic storms, specific vulnerabilities of the North American power grid, the regions at highest risk from this complex natural hazard and the implications for the insurance industry and society generally.

This Lloyds Space Weather Study was co-written by Lloyds with research and analysis by scientists from Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER):

  • Nicole Homeier, PhD, Director of Product Innovation and Senior Staff Scientist at AER
  • Lisa Wei, PhD, Staff Scientist at AER

Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid Download the report Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid

See Lloyds website information about this report at Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid.

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