Industry Insights for Energy Companies

Energy providers, portfolio managers, energy traders and industry analysts rely on advice from world-renowned AER scientists and meteorologists to proactively manage investments and operations based on weather predictions and exploit business opportunities related to climate scenarios.

FocusKey Issues/Questions Addressed
Weather Risk Management
  • How can we profit from weather and environmental risk?
  • How is weather impacting the energy sector?
  • Are there ways to link business results to key weather metrics?
Weather Forecasting Short-range predictions enable energy companies to adjust business strategies and manage risk proactively.
  • How will a forecast of cold or hot weather or severe storms over the next 1 to 15 days affect our business?
Long-range and seasonal predictions shape year-ahead business strategies and risk management scenarios.
  • Given last year’s weather forecast, how will this year’s predictions of heating degree days (HDDs) or cooling degree days (CDDs) affect our business?
  • What will be the direction and relative magnitude of the weather trends next year?
  • How will this winter’s forecast affect the performance and profitability of our business?
Climate Change Risk Assessment Climate change assessment shapes risk management and business strategies over the long term (5 to 20 years).
  • How will the projected change in climate impact our business strategy and profitability?