AER Recognized by Northrop Grumman for Supplier Excellence

AER Recognized by Northrop Grumman for Supplier Excellence

AER has received a highly coveted Supplier Excellence Award from Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Information Systems (NGIS) sector for technical innovation and quality products and services.

AER was recognized for its work on the System Engineering Maintenance and Sustainment (SEMS) II program at the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency, the largest supplier of terrestrial and space weather data for military users worldwide.

Under the SEMS II program, AER provides subject matter expertise and development support to Northrop Grumman’s team, including those members assigned to the Cloud Depiction and Forecast System (CDFS) II. CDFS II, based on AER-developed science algorithms, is the world’s only operational, hourly, global cloud analysis and forecast system.

“This award from Northrop Grumman underscores AER’s ability to innovate and solve operational problems that affect the Air Force’s ability to provide warfighters with value-added environmental data for efficient decision making. The close collaboration between our companies not only translates into good science and engineering but also provides a substantial increase in Air Force Weather capabilities, with across-the-board benefits to defense and national programs,” said Ron Isaacs, president of AER.



AER SEMS II Team:Standing: Marc Hidalgo, Mark Conner, Eric Hunt.Seated: Becky Selin, Suseela Sarasamma.


Trent Dalton from Northrop Grumman (far right) presented the award to AER team members Suseela Sarasamma, Becky Selin, and Marc Hidalgo.

AER SEMS team members Bob d'Entremont, Gary Gustafson, and Hilary (Ned) Snell.