"The most respected seasonal forecaster, Dr. Judah Cohen of the company AER, has successfully predicted the general winter trend many times in recent years."
TIME magazine’s article about global weirding (rather than global warming) cites the forecast model developed at Atmospheric and Environmental Research by Judah Cohen.
Verisk Climate Emerging Risk research program creates new data sets and assesses causal factors in severe weather patterns. Read the press release including research results commentary by Jason Furtado, Ph.D., staff scientist at AER.
UCAR's Atmos News features AER’s science leadership in modeling winter cold.
"Judah Cohen believes the North American snow tilts the odds towards a cold winter." Read more highlights from Cohen, who is director of seasonal forecasting at AER, a unit of Verisk Climate, in Jason Samenow's roundup of the early October outlook for the upcoming winter.
AER scientists co-author a review of the scientific research exploring links between Arctic sea change and mid-latitude weather.