Solar Irraidiance Forecasting System

Type: Poster presentation

Venue: Fourth Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy


Thomas Connor, M. Gioioso (2012) Solar Irraidiance Forecasting System. Fourth Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy, Austin, Texas.

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Electricity producers utilizing solar power production are seeking more accurate and timely solar irradiance forecasts in order to optimize use of solar assets. Precise information of the nature and timing of expected fluctuations in solar irradiance are necessary in order for producers to inform grid authorities of expected power fluctuations so that they may, in turn, balance grid load. AER has developed techniques to forecast solar irradiance that incorporate remote sensing data, numerical weather prediction outputs, and advanced radiative transfer modeling. The results of the forecast are compared with observations, discussed and used to provide a basis for future work and improvements.