Support of Environmental Requirements for Cloud Analysis and Archive (SERCAA): Algorithm Descriptions

Type: Report

Venue: AF Phillips Laboratory


Gustafson, Gary B., Isaacs, Ronald G., d'Entremont, Robert P., Ivaldi, Charles F., Doherty, Joseph; Scott, Courtney C., 1994.: Support of Environmental Requirements for Cloud Analysis and Archive (SERCAA): Algorithm Descriptions. AF Phillips Laboratory Technical Report Number PL-TR-94-2114, Hanscom AFB, MA.  

A satellite database management facility was developed to support implementation and real-data testing of new multisource, multispectral satellite-based cloud analysis algorithms. Cloud algorithms were produced separately under Phase I of the Support of Environmental Requirements for Cloud Analysis and Archive (SERCAA) research and development project. The objective of the database project was to develop a unified capability to store, update, retrieve and catalog satellite and supporting data plus derived algorithm products. Data processing and storage requirements dictated a centralized database management facility capable of operating over a network of processing and mass storage systems. Based on these requirements, specifications were generated for a suitable database management facility. This was followed by development and implementation of software and hardware on the Air Force Interactive Meteorological System (AIMS) used by the Atmospheric Sciences Division at the Air Force Phillips Laboratory for SERCAA algorithm testing. Key features of the database management facility include simultaneous access to the database by multiple users, support for interactive and programmed queries, easy access to satellite and ancillary data from within application programs, network access to the database from multiple-vendor computers, and support for both on-line and removable data storage media.